2024 Viva Voce Practical Programming Challenge

Group Practical Task: Earth Data Analysis using 

My NASA Data in BETA Test mode

This is your time to shine by applying the skills you've practiced this year. Be prepared to communicate your findings and get ready to troubleshoot. Don't be afraid to innovate and use other tools you know of.  Think ahead about how you would take this further.  Finally, lean into the challenge, engage your partners, and enjoy the ride!   

My NASA Data Staff

Group Task Using My NASA Data Resources: Time Limit - 1 Hour

This task will be completed by participating GDST Space Technology Programme students, during the morning of the conference in mixed school groups. Students have prepared for this task individually during their yearly diploma tutorials, and have submitted a similar task within the requirements of their programming portfolio of tutorial exercises. 

Task Instructions: 

Our conference practical activity this year will make use of the newly revised My NASA Data Earth System Data Explorer tool. The students will focus on BETA Testing the new interface of this online student tool for accessing satellite data. A supporting video for the tool's new interface development is below.

The panel may consider additional scope in group task attempts for resiliency, innovation and dexterity!

My NASA Data Datasets Matrix Relationship.pptx

Getting Started with the My NASA Data Earth System Data Explorer